I thought about how many things I wanted to do, but didn't. Dates with the girls. Painting with Em. Coffee with friends. Museums. Concerts. Converstaions. I found myself trying to jam things into the last 2 weeks. All of a sudden I was making time for the things that I didn't have time for in the past 4 months. It's funny how that happens. Do you know what I mean? Every time I leave somewhere, I'm aware of the things I didn't do....and now the chance is gone.
Life moves by so quickly. We are busy people in America. Many things compete for our attention. I want to make time for the things that are important to me. What if you were leaving your current location, relationships, etc soon, how would you live differently?
My ambition for 2012 is to sieze the day and grab the life out of every moment.
This is your assignment for today (you didn't know this would come with an assignement, did you?); do something new. Do something you've never done. Do the thing that you've been wanting to do, but for one reason or another haven't. Call the person you've been meaning to call. Have that conversation. Do something you love.
sieze the day.
I finally went to that restaurant with the girls that I have been wanting to try.
We all asked "why don't we do this more?"...