Today, I am thinking of...remembering...celebrating one of my absolute, favorite people in the world. I remember her with endless gratitude and love, many smiles, and a few tears.
My Nana got to go home last week (Jan 26). And by home, I mean she shot straight to Heaven! She had been longing to be there for a while, so my heart is happy for her to be home.
There are many gorgeous things about my Nana.
I'm quite sure that Nana loved me better than anyone in the world.
She loved me and believed in me.
She gave me more than I will ever know.
I learned many things from her.
I felt love surround me. I saw generosity and giving personified. I experienced the love of Jesus. She trusted Him with the faith of a child.
I have thousands of memories. Here's a few....
I spent almost every summer of my life with her. My parents would drop me off in the beautiful Sarasota, FL at the cusp of summer and there I lived for several months. We swam, went on the boat, cooked, laughed, played poker for hours and hours, and did everything fun. They took me on adventures all over. We went on trips and cruises and to Disney World. Life with them was a dream.
Nana loved me endlessly. She tickled my back every night. She'd cook a feast for us, all the time. Once, she put sparklers on my birthday cake, nearly burning the dining room down in the process, but she wanted my cake to be the best.
My grandparents traveled all over the world. Everywhere they went, Nana took pictures of people they met - at restaurants, people they stayed with, people who gave them directions, anyone! She got their address. Then, when she was back home, she mailed them a copy of the picture and a Bible in their language. She always wanted to give people the Word of God. Everywhere, she was always giving away Bibles. Many people wrote back and some people they would even see again on a subsequent trip. She had albums and albums filled with photos and letters of relationships that were created. I used to be embarrassed of her always asking to take pictures, but now, I see how she loved. A beautiful, beautiful legacy.
Nana taught me about healthy living. We never had sugar when we were down there - nope! no sugar! No white sugar and no white flour. We took shots of cod liver oil most nights. We swallowed all our many vitamins. We exercised. We juiced carrots. We could usually get Pappy to take us for ice cream, but we never had coke or candy bars. My dad thinks I'm strange when I make my carrot and kale juice, I just think of Nana :)
Nana taught me more about Jesus than anyone. She loved Him well. She showed me what it is to trust Him for everything. We always had our time with Jesus in the morning - reading and praying. Her heart was after Him. That may be the thing I am most grateful for - the foundation they gave me to stand on. I only now realize that the land they built on and cultivated is what I receive as an inheritance. I don't know if I can fully understand how her life - her obedience and sacrifice and prayers - has given me a place to stand and possess in the spirit. I get to live her legacy.
I miss her. I mourn not having her here, but I celebrate her life.
Everyday, I will celebrate as my thoughts land on her and I smile...
~ I love that every time I walk into a health food store, I think of her. ~
~ I love that when I travel the world, I remember her. ~
~ I love that when I go shopping, I want her to come with me. ~
~ I love that when I have zucchini bread or carrot juice or buckwheat pancakes or rootbeer floats or cod liver oil or eat dates, she is close by. ~
~ I love that poker reminds me of the hours we spent around the card table. Hours and hours of laughter and fun. ~
~ When I think of the most divine meals, they are the ones she prepared. ~
~ When I remember who tickled my back night after night, it is her. ~
~ I love that warm days on the boat with the wind in my hair, take me to memories of my grandparents. ~
~ I love that enjoying the finer things in life, brings thoughts of her. ~
~ I love that when I sit with Jesus in the morning, I remember that I did this first with Nana. She was the first one to invite me in to Him. ~
{ So much of me is made from what I learned from you
You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. }
You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. }
Beautiful Julie... Having read this I believe I can say that I am so thankful for the life that your Nana lived, for the things she helped to build inside of you because I have personally been touched by her legacy through the impact you've had on my life. My heart hurts for you because it is hard to miss someone so important but at the same time I rejoice because you share her strength, her comforter and her King. Thinking of you Julie and praying that you will not slow down but only run harder and faster as you pick up where she left off and make her ceiling your floor. :) Love you Beautiful.
Oh your sweet Nana! I love this tribute to her. She sees and is so proud of the life you are living. You are honoring her so well.
oh, i wish i had met her. and i look forward to meeting her.
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